How Headline Sponsors, Cardens Accountants, “Look Up” to help themselves and their clients << Back
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Our Brighton Summit headline sponsor Cardens Accountants share how they embrace this year’s theme of “Look Up”.
It’s important to look up from our daily tasks and take in the bigger picture. The Summit gives us all a chance to do that, to step away from our day to day work, to meet new people and to find out new and exciting things that may help us improve the way we work.
Looking back to the first Summit six years ago I am amazed at how much Cardens has changed. Back then Keith Hall had recently joined us as a third partner and we were a team of about 23. We were starting to grow and that growth hasn’t stopped. Now in 2018, we are a 5 partner, 2 associate firm with a team of 60.
I like to think that as a company we like to “look up”, to find opportunities, engage with the world and not close ourselves off. Improvements in technology mean that we can now have meetings wherever we are in the world and that as our computers process more of the raw data we can now focus on planning and adding value for our clients. Taking on new partners and associates enables us to grow our client base and learn from each other’s practices and experience. Whilst being involved with local events and charities help us engage with the local community and give a little something back.
Recently we have been working on a 10 year plan, where we would like to be as individuals and where we would like the firm to be. Each partner is committed into driving this forward, so expect even more changes to come from Cardens as we continue to “look up”.
We are fortunate to have a team that embraces change and hundreds of clients that appreciate what we do for them. If you need an accountant to bounce some ideas around with then please feel free to contact us on 01273 739592 and let us help you.
Thanks to Victoria Mason for writing this blog.